
Christ of the Desert

Answering God's Call

Christ of the Desert aims to Educate the youth and families with Christian values and principles, Form with spiritual guidance and Renew through a personal experience with Christ, with the purpose of sharing God’s word with others through the missionary service.

The message we carry out is enthusiastic and vigorous. It is the result of personal experience with Christ. These young adults live a life experience of service, which gives them a personal satisfaction and happiness in Christ that they wish to share with others without any monetary reward. These young adults are sent to missions in different parts of the country focusing on communities who are in need of moral and spiritual values. 


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Our Plan

In order to serve as a catalyst for changing through these young adults we need to establish a place for intellectual, moral and spiritual formation. The project Christ of the Desert includes an eight- month training followed by a one- year voluntary service where the young adults will serve by spreading the values of the Gospel indifferent communities around the country. For this reason, we present the campaign to raise approximately 9 million dollars to make this project possible. Based on the love and dedication from those who came before us, the missionaries Servants of the Word are taking up the challenge to construct the center, Christ of the Desert. Through this challenge we are also answering the call of the young adults who have expressed a strong desire to serve God and His people. We are committed to construct Christ of the Desert in four phases:

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First Phase: Formation House

The Formation house will be built to provide a shelter for the young adults and their spiritual directors during their eight months of formation. A solid intellectual and spiritual preparation is needed for the formation of these young adults. The ultimate purpose of preparing them is that they can serve others generously by sharing their learned experiences from the Word of God.

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Second Phase: Chapel

The chapel will be constructed during the second phase. We believe that this chapel will benefit those who want to have an encounter with Christ and renew their faith through reflection and religious services that will be provided. It will have the capacity to receive around 1,000 people.

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Third Phase: Multi Purpose Auditorium

The fourth phase will be the St. Paul auditorium which will serve to host conferences and retreats for the community at a larger scale. The auditorium will have a capacity of 1,000 people.

Saint Paul Auditorium
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Fourth Phase: Parking/ Landscaping

The fifth phase will include the construction of the parking lot which will consist of 463 spaces for the people visiting our center, Christ of the Desert. We also incorporate landscaping. There will be green areas that will draw you to an ambience of contemplation, meditation, and prayer that will bring about inner peace.

Parking and Gardens